Prayer ideas from

2017 Christchurch Pastor’s and Leaders meeting

It was exciting to hear stories about prayer shared at the August Pastors' and Leaders' network meeting (see stories in the 2017 Prayer stories section). It is clear that the evangelistic ministries experiencing success around our city are under-girded by a commitment to regular prayer. 

The main ideas from the recent Pastors' and Leaders' discussion on Prayer and Evangelism were:

  • Successful evangelism depends on prioritising regular prayer 

  • More teaching on the importance of prayer; as a living rhythm for every Christian and teach people how to pray

  • Prioritise praying together before all evangelistic ministries (events / programmes)

  • Prioritise praying together with local churches and Christian organisations for ministries in your community.

  • Celebrate answered prayers to increase faith

Let's increase our commitment to prayer.