2017 Encouraging Stories

Stories shared at the recent Pastors' and Leaders' meeting

Prayer at Hope Presbyterian

At Hope Presbyterian Church we now have two full time evangelism positions.  We had been doing lots of things but weren’t seeing much happening until we “put the batteries in the car” and started praying more! For the last 18 months we have been praying weekly for one hour for revival.  Six months ago, we felt led to focus on specific people.  We now spend half the time praying for revival and half the time praying for specific people we are journeying with.

Westside IFG

We have seen two parents of girls attending the programme become Christians. We have one leader hang out with the parents while the girls are having their programme with the other leaders. These two parents have become Christians since the leaders committed to praying together before the programme every Thursday night, and since an older lady in the church asked for a family to pray for.

North City

As one of our young men went to attend a prayer meeting, God told him to pray for the land, so instead of going inside he walked around the block and asked God, “What’s this about?”  He then turned and saw a guy on the road with blood on his face.  He had just been assaulted. The young man helped clean him up and then saw the person who had committed the assault.  He went over and talked to him and helped calm him down and then helped the two men talk to each other and reconcile. This shows the importance of listening as much as speaking in prayer!