Working Girl turns to Christ!


One night each week two members of the City Church Street team head out at 8:30pm to walk the streets and chat to each working girl (prostitute) and see how they are.  The team focuses on building friendships and trust as they listen and care for the ladies.  The team want the ladies to know they are there for them.  Some ladies have commented that they feel safer with the team around.

The team offers to pray with them as they share their issues and answer any questions about Christianity.  Conversations can go for half an hour.  The team has been encouraged hearing answers to the prayers. 

As led by God and where the women have demonstrated healthy lifestyle choices the church has provided food parcels, counselling, Sozo and Theophostic Prayer, or helped link the ladies with other resources such as the women’s hostel, counselling services or rehab centres.  A prayer team supports this ministry.

One working girl has come to know Jesus over the last few months.  One of the team was prompted by the Holy Spirit to make her breakfast, and a few weeks later to make her lunch.  After being invited into the church to have some food left over from a church breakfast, she started popping into the church building and would accept the offer of a cup of coffee.  One Sunday she stayed longer and listened to the music team practice.  Then one Sunday she stayed for the service and went up to the pastor to say she wanted to give her heart to Jesus.  She has now joined a life group and has been supported as she walks away from her previous lifestyle.   The church has supported her financially and practically as she has made new positive life decisions.

Recently City Church hosted a Pamper Night for the Working Girls, and half a dozen attended the evening. Those that came were amazed this had been put on especially for them.  They were treated to a facial, foot spa, manicure, and haircut.  Local businesses provided the spot prizes, while the Church women provided an ongoing supper and the pampering. At the end of the night each lady received a gift bag with several items including a bible with a highlighted scripture reflecting the love of God. City Church plans to run this twice a year. "It is our prayer that we saturate the girls in the love of God. To do this we want to increase the teams of people going out onto the street in a coordinated, strategic approach."

Please pray that

  • the team continues to form deeper friendships with the ladies

  • the ladies realise that there is something missing in their lives and begin to search

  • the ladies come to a relationship with Jesus Christ

  • the ladies can be freed from the lifestyle they are trapped in

  • more people will join the team so the team can be out more nights of the week