‘unlikely’ by Kevin Palau

I really enjoyed reading this book over the summer holidays. I always try to find a book that God can inspire and speak to me through.  I found this book in the local library and it certainly met my expectation! I had no idea that what the Evangelism Network steering team has been thinking about for the last couple of years in terms of churches working together geographically, is extensively happening elsewhere in the world.

Kevin Palau is the son of evangelist Louis Palau. Kevin has been exploring relevant ways of reaching cities, after realising that the era of travelling crusades was coming to an end. This book records the 10 year journey he went through and what has resulted; many cities whose pastors are working together locally, empowering thousands of believers to live out their Christianity naturally on a daily basis in their neighbourhoods.

Neighbouring churches have sought to work together to seek the peace and prosperity (c.f. Jeremiah 29:5-7). They have aimed to get the whole church (working with other churches) to take the whole gospel (word and deed) to the whole city. Each church considers what resources they have been blessed with that they can offer; time, love, friendship, expertise, prayer, healing, money.

As they serve, they believe that people will learn that God and his followers care, are concerned for the community and that they want them to succeed. While respecting any boundaries (e.g. when working in schools), they are absolutely committed to sharing the Good News and helping people find hope, peace, joy and love through Jesus.

While recognising the impact of one-off makeovers and ‘drive by wonders’, they are aiming to be a sustainable presence, seeking and working towards the shalom of the community.

How did they start?  The pastors and leaders within a community got together to pray.  And then they started asking the leaders of the community (principals, police, social agencies) ‘What are your greatest needs?’ and ‘How can we serve you?’ to establish an understanding of what would really make a difference in the community. Decisions were made after considering what the churches had to offer, and which other groups, agencies and businesses could be partnered with. New ventures were started or existing ones supported.

I recommend that you grab this book, and as Kevin suggests, glean from the transferable principles while listening for God’s revelation and considering the DNA of your local church.  Also check out their website www.gospelmovements.org to see some of the things that have been happening recently.

Also read the book recommendation on ‘When Help Hurts’ by Brian Fikkart and Steve Corbett.  Kevin highly recommended this book, warning that sometimes sincere efforts to help actually do more harm than good.

I am inspired to work towards this happening across Canterbury.  I am excited because through this book, I hear confirmation for us to move forward. In Kevin’s words, “Do you long to see the collective impact that can only happen when churches and individual followers of Jesus are on mission together?”  Imagine Christchurch and Canterbury with churches working together in their communities to serve and proclaim the love of Jesus!!! 

Book recommendation by Julie Young (2016)