Tony Collis

Led to Christ by an evangelist at 11 and heavily influenced by evangelists over the years, evangelism and evangelists continue to motivate and influence the direction of my life. I enjoyed 20 years with a fellowship of national evangelists called OAC during which time I served as the National Director. For the last 20 years I have continued my missional passion through church planting in NZ and the mobilizing of church planters in a number of Asian nations netting hundreds of churches. I have authored a number of books, some of which have influenced, encouraged, and motivated missional focus. I presently pastor at the church I planted in my hometown in Levin in 2011. I loved been a cheer leader for the nationally known 'Hope Project', and as such travelled throughout the nation for a number of years serving Dave Mann with that vision. I love cheering for all involved in outreach and as an encourager I live to fan the evangelism flame in others. Recently I started 'One Million Children' with the goal to mobilize renewed engagement in reaching our kiwi kids. It is a privilege to be serving you through the Evangelism Network.