10am - 10pm. 

A Generation is waiting for the gospel, what will be your response? It’s time to go. THE SEND exists to see every believer activated into their missional calling to reach every high school, university, child, neighbourhood and nation, now is the time. Join thousands of other believers in November to believe for Jesus to transform our nation, and find your part to play.

The Send gathering on 23 November, will be a powerful time of prayer and worship with key catalytic messages, testimonies and videos interspersed throughout the day. The heart of the Great Commission will be on display and practical information and next steps will be offered through specific calls to action. We want every person who comes to feel like they can personally engage in a new way with the work of the gospel. When you come to The Send, come ready to be activated!

Info and tickets at https://thesend.org.nz/

The Send (https://thesend.org.nz/) is an event for all denominations and generations that exists to activate believers in their missional and evangelistic call.

We will be joined by a range of kiwi and international bands and speakers and we would love to invite your church community to join us! See our event details page (https://thesend.org.nz/details/) for more info or read our info booklet. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZFZT0ONFI-GuDgxwDXg9CtZQ0aBCnZ0E/view?usp=sharing)

Tickets are $30 per person and there are discounts available for groups of 10 or more. These can be purchased here on iTicket. (https://www.iticket.co.nz/events/2024/nov/the-send-aotearoa)

Here is a promo pack (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S8nMO23blZo7nwfjGZOgZ4hAW6uBESbT?usp=sharing) with graphics and videos if you want to share about The Send with your church community.

We need volunteers! If you, or your ministry is able to serve on the Friday Night Pre Gathering (Fri 22nd Nov), or The Send on Saturday (23rd Nov), we would appreciate your help. These sign up forms are for both Friday Night and Saturday day at Mystery Creek in hamilton.

Group Volunteer Interest Form


Individual Volunteer Interest Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Cz54PSJIfgMqMepgw20wPcjNA504-S23x3Ome723mWM/edit?ts=66de2623

Many Blessings.
