Road to Bethlehem Christchurch 2018
Road to Bethlehem was amazing, as usual! Each night the dedicated team from the Seventh Day Adventists performed four shows, helping hundreds learn the true Christmas story. The crowd saw the trust of Mary as she accepted her task, the anguish of Joseph as he considered his options, and then his peace once the angel had spoken to him in the dream. The audience was captivated by the marketplace of many tents of wares and got nervous as the Roman soldiers arrived to order people to return to their hometowns. As the story continued to unfold, King Herod was appropriately frightening, and the hijinks of the shepherds amused all. The story beautifully ended with the audience singing a carol in front of the stable with a real baby playing Jesus.
This theatrical performance is always a great show to invite your friends or kids group and their families too.