Organic Outreach For Churches
How to mobilise your congregation to naturally reach out
Sharing the gospel must be a CORE VALUE of the church, along with worshiping God and discipleship. More emphasis needs to be given to sharing the gospel as, by comparison with worshiping God and discipling, it is the one that Christians most readily let go.
Desire every person in your congregation to share Jesus while doing the everyday things of life.
Leaders need to live it; you can’t lead what you don’t live. There’s always more on your 'to do list' so you must PRIORITISE sharing the gospel. How much time do you spend with non-Christians each week? If none, how can you make some new friends? If you need to add this to your schedule, you will probably need to drop something else.
Facing fear is essential.
Regularly explain the gospel in church followed by an opportunity to make a commitment to Christ.
Christians are fearful when they don’t know how to share the gospel – teach them how. This needs to be from the platform within your normal teaching as you can’t expect people to attend a special course.
Christianity was never promised to be easy, rather, “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus”
Faith comes from hearing. The gospel must be shared in words. Romans 10:14 “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” While a life of Christian integrity helps lay a foundation, the gospel must be shared verbally. “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words” is like saying ‘feed the hungry at all times and if necessary, use food’. We should “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). Have a series EVERY YEAR on how to share the gospel (God’s love, Our problem, God’s solution, Our response).
Know what you believe and hold to it with humble and bold tenacity. Stick true to the Bible while saying, “You are welcome here. Stay here where we will love you, and where you will also hear that how you are living isn’t God’s ideal for you.”
Get your 'operating system' working before adding 'apps'. The culture of loving God, others, and those who don't know Jesus needs to be in place so that programmes to reach them actually work. You need a culture of letting people BELONG first so they can then BELIEVE and then later their behaviour will come into alignment.
Question: If you were God, would you send lost broken hurting people to your church? Could it be that God loves people so tenderly that he’s not sending them to your church before they become Christians, so they don’t get hurt?
Think holistically. Outreach should be a CORE part of EVERY MINISTRY. It is not one of the many ministries.
Commit to 30-day infusions: Do something to re-stoke the fire every month.
Accountability (E.g., in every planning meeting individuals talk about who they are sharing with in their life, how the ministry is doing reaching people.)
Plan what to do next.
Learn something new.
Prayer is vital
Offer your availability to God each morning and then watch for opportunities.
Col 4:2-4: Devote yourselves to prayer … that God may open a door … proclaim it clearly… be wise …. make the most of every opportunity… conversation always full of grace … know how to answer everyone.
Beware: the battle increases when you decide to step up and reach the community. Ensure there is good prayer cover.
Help each person to journey one step forward. You usually only get to influence a person for a season so do that season well.
Kevin Harney has also published the books for
individuals sharing their faith and Christian homes being a light in their community.