Organic Outreach for Ordinary People
By Kevin Harney
Every follower of Jesus has a sincere desire to share God’s love with others. We want to tell friends and family about who Jesus is, what he means to us, and all he has done for them. Deep in our hearts we have a burning passion to pass on the good news we have received. But, where do we start? We want to share our faith, but we don’t want it to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or unnatural … for them or for us! Organic Outreach for Ordinary People will help you shape a personal approach to passing on the good news of Jesus in natural ways. This is not a system or a program. It’s a collection of biblical practices that you can incorporate into your life starting today. You can begin right where God has placed you. You can share the love and message of Jesus in a way that fits exactly how God has wired you.
In this practical and easy-to-read book, Kevin Harney offers the tools needed to reach out with God’s love in organic ways. In these pages you will discover that sharing the good news of Jesus can be as natural as talking about your favorite sports team or telling a friend about a wonderful new restaurant. On the golf course, over coffee, while taking a walk—anywhere and everywhere—become a bearer of grace. Share the amazing love of God. Tell the life-changing story of Jesus. Discover ordinary ways to communicate God’s love and the message of salvation—naturally.
Reading Organic Outreach for Ordinary People will…
Set you free from the fear of telling others about Jesus.
Prepare you to help family and friends come to faith in Jesus.
Offer creative approaches to sharing your faith in non-offensive ways.
Launch you into natural conversations about spiritual things.
Equip you with five simple ways to share the message of Jesus.
Recommendation written by Julie Young
You should read and recommend this book to all Christians to read. It shares many great ideas that every Christian can use to share Jesus with their friends, family, and colleagues.
Here are some of Kevin’s ideas:
Love the world like Jesus did, spend time with people and show Jesus’ love and presence. Build friendships, listen.
Your faith is real, and Jesus is engrafted into every area of your life, so it is entirely appropriate for your faith to come up in daily conversations. When asked what you did on the weekend, include something you learned or enjoyed at church. When sharing about good things in your life, acknowledge that good things come from God. When viewing the power or beauty of creation, acknowledge God’s creative artistry and power, but don’t let it turn to a debate.
Tell your stories about what difference God has made or is making in your life. Sharing what God is doing in your life helps people know that your faith is authentic and that you really do believe in God. Share a story that is relevant to the person you are sharing it with – what are they going through at the moment?
Sharing our stories helps people know that God answers prayers, heals broken bodies, restores shattered hearts, puts together fragmented marriages, sets people free from fear and worry, releases people from addictions, washes away sin and removes the cloud of guilt, comforts the lonely and hurting, and gives new purpose and direction in life.
You can prepare your story beforehand. Try to have 100 words or less. Practice on a friend and get them to give feedback on whether it was a good length and shared humbly, your language was understandable, if Jesus was presented as the one who helped the transformation, and any suggestions to help strengthen the story.
You can share before and after type examples, sharing that Jesus is the source of the transformation
From life without purpose and direction, to a life with meaning and clear direction
From hate filled or self-centred relationships, to loving and caring relationships
From fear of death to confidence in this life and hope for eternity
From loneliness to a sense of belonging to God and his family
From anxiety to peace
From financial irresponsibility and fear to hard work and financial stability
From selfishness to generosity
From addiction and enslavement to freedom from addictions
You are a walking billboard for Jesus. Check that what you are advertising is what Jesus wants you to be advertising (love, joy, peace….)
People want to see real Christianity. Don’t buy into ‘Christians have to appear to have it altogether’. Share how God helps and sustains us in our struggles, promises to be our shelter, stronghold, and our mighty tower of protection through the storms of life.
Have 30 second pauses throughout your day to pray into situations before you walk into them; for opportunities, for the salvation of the person you are about to talk with.
Listen and learn where people are at in their spiritual journey. Don’t be defensive or tell people they are wrong. Questions that could help:
What are some joys you are experiencing at the moment? (Share with the person how you believe God is the source of all good things.)
What challenges or struggles are you facing at the moment? (Offer to pray.)
What is your personal history when it comes to faith and God?
What do you believe about God?
What is your perception about Christianity?
Be willing to admit we don’t have all the answers to life’s questions. Like the healed man in John 9, admit what you don’t know and affirm what you do know. “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” John 9:25
Make time to interact with people formally, like running a programme, or informally as you do life. You could try sitting on a park bench or outside your house, and see who God brings your way.
Be careful that you remain the influencer when in places that could be a temptation. Step back if you realise you are the one being influenced.
Do life with people. Our love of Jesus and his way of life will shine through whatever we do, so invite people to join you (e.g. outings, shopping trips). You could have a ‘Matthew type party’ (tax collector disciple in Bible) inviting a mix of your Christian and non-Christian friends so they can mingle. You could invite people to attend church events your Christian friends will be at.
Try new approaches: connect with people in ways they want to connect and see what works for them. Be ready to suggest good books for those who want to read, and DVDs for those who prefer watching and discussing.
Every Christian needs to be able to articulate the message of Jesus.
Prayer is vital. Praying for people should be our first action we take in outreach. If we are not ready and committed to enter into spiritual warfare, we will not see a great harvest. We need to realise the enemy wants to thwart our outreach efforts. Ask God for discernment to see where the enemy is at work. Pray against the work of the devil in the name of Jesus. Commit to pray with other believers as there is strength in numbers.
Pray for people to come to know God
Pray for their hearts to be soft to the presence and promptings of God
Ask the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin and help them see their need for God’s grace
Pray for God’s blessings to flow into their lives and for them to recognise his goodness
Ask God to break down and remove the obstacles in their lives that keep them from seeing and responding to the Holy Spirit’s presence.
Surrender your life, time, and words to God. Ask him to use you to reflect his grace, serve faithfully, and share his good news when the time is right.
Listening Prayers: Tell God about someone you know and ask God “How would you have me pray for ……” for and then listen for his whisper and/or the impressions you get.
Pray WITH people: Many people would love to have you pray for them. They suspect that you believe in prayer. They will see your faith is real, may feel his presence, see prayers answered, and it may start a conversation.
Be sensitive regarding location and volume
Keep it brief
Use common language
There is power in touch; touch shoulder or hand if appropriate
Pray for specific needs or joy
Pray in the name of Jesus so they know who is being prayed to and who to thank when its answered
Check in to see how things are going – to praise God or keep praying
Encourage people to pray themselves. Prayers like
If you are real, please show yourself to me
If you love me, please help me feel your love
If you are real and as powerful as people say, please answer my prayers and meet my needs
Bless people when the opportunity arises.