Organic Outreach Prayer Ideas
Here are some excerpts from Organic Outreach for Churches by Kevin G Harney
Praying for people should be our first action we take in outreach. If we are not ready and committed to enter into spiritual warfare, we will not see a great harvest. We need to realise the enemy wants to thwart our outreach efforts. Ask God for discernment to see where the enemy is at work. Pray against the work of the devil in the name of Jesus. Commit to pray with other believers as there is strength in numbers.
Pray for Christians: Cry out to God for a fresh work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who call themselves followers of Jesus. Pray for boldness. Pray that Christians will be committed to connect in the world and not to allow themselves to be cloistered in a church subculture. Pray that God would send out workers into the harvest field.
Prayer walk: Prayer walking is the practise of moving consistently through an area and praying as the Holy Spirit leads. Quietly lift up prayers for God to move and break out in each life and home.
Pray for families and individuals you know and ask God to meet their needs and touch their lives.
Pray that people will notice the presence and work of God
Pray that believers in the community will let the light of Jesus shine in and through them and they will have boldness to share their faith
Pray for broken families to be healed, shattered hearts to be restored, loneliness to be lifted, and needs to be met
Pray for people to come to know God
Pray for their hearts to be soft to the presence and promptings of God
Ask the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin and help them see their need for God’s grace
Pray for God’s blessings to flow into their lives and for them to recognise his goodness
Ask God to break down and remove the obstacles in their lives that keep them from seeing and responding to the Holy Spirit’s presence.
Surrender your life, time, and words to God. Ask him to use you to reflect his grace, serve faithfully, and share his good news when the time is right.
Listening Prayers: Tell God about someone you know and ask God, “How would you have me pray for ……” and then listen for his whisper and/or the impressions you get.
Pray WITH people
Many people would love to have you pray for them. They suspect that you believe in prayer. They will see your faith is real, may feel his presence, see prayers answered, and it may start a conversation.
Be sensitive regarding location and volume
Keep it brief
Use common language
There is power in touch; touch shoulder or hand if appropriate
Pray for specific need or joy
Pray in the name of Jesus so they know who is being prayed to and who to thank when its answered
Check in to see how things are going – to praise God or keep praying
Encourage people to pray themselves. Prayers like
If you are real, please show yourself to me
If you love me, please help me feel your love
If you are real and as powerful as people say, please answer my prayers and meet my needs
Bless people when the opportunity arises
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
Try a restaurant prayer: Say to the waiter, “When you bring our food, we are going to say a short prayer. If you think of anything you want prayed for, just let us know when you bring the food.”