Legacy in Palmerston North 2019

The last few times I've visited my mother in Palmerston North and gone with her to church, I noticed a supermarket trolley in the church foyer.  I discovered it was for another church across town in the poorest roughest suburb.  One family from my mum’s church has shifted to that church and quite a few others go to help with the Monday night Community Meal and the Thursday after school kids programme. Fascinated, I went to see for myself... 

Sitting across from me at the Community Meal was a man whose eyes were shining with Jesus, above the gang tattoo on his lower face. He spoke of how he was being helped to change his life.  He was currently repeating the Restore course, grateful to do it again after falling back into old ways.  He'd attended the Legacy Trust's Community Meals for some time. This was where he'd heard about Jesus each week, and then decided to be a follower of Jesus. He was now on their waiting list for a house. 

The Community Meals started after a young Christian lady with a heart for the poor was introduced to a helpful local businessman who had links with local growers who could donate vegetables. Legacy, whose vision is “Transformed lives, healthy communities”, now feeds 200 people each Monday night with a substantial meal of vegetables and casserole. Children are looked after and fed in a different room with a programme provided. Christian and community volunteers together make it happen.

The Restore programme runs Monday to Friday 7am to 3pm starting with a karakia and breakfast, and then students participate in a holistic programme of physical fitness, personal development, work experience and addiction modules.  The Restore Programme aims to break the cycles of broken relationships, crime, unemployment, and purposelessness. Through a strict but supportive programme, students are taught to overcome their issues through karakia and powerful coping techniques based on biblical principles. Each student has a personal mentor.

Legacy has a Housing Trust. "We connect people with our other services to provide wrap around support. Legacy Housing has grown to become one of the largest non-government social housing services in our city."  This includes renting houses and rooms. Legacy also runs a second-hand clothes shop, and a mid-week community café.

Canterbury needs exciting ministries like these! For more info check out http://legacy.net.nz

Julie Young