Jesus the Game Changer

Can be bought on DVD, USB or digitally.

A 10-part documentary series on how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. Karl Faase travels to the US, UK, Australia, Singapore, and India interviewing over 30 authors, speakers, and modern-day game changers. These episodes are ideal for individuals and small groups.

Topics of Episodes (all 28 minutes in length): Jesus, Equality, Forgiveness, Women and Children, Democracy, Care, Leadership, Education and Health, Wealth, Reason and Science.   

The whole series can be purchased in digital format or hard copy. Individual episodes can be rented or bought. Note: this is a digital product, which can be streamed from any device. Due to copyright – this product is not available to be downloaded or saved to your device. Please purchase the DVD if you need to view offline. Discussion Guides are available, either as a 96 page paperback book or through a free app, available on iTunes or Google Play.

Signing up as a church allows you access to more resources and support for running ‘Jesus the Game Changer’ as a church-wide series or as part of a campaign with other churches.

There is a Youth edition which is the same award-winning series but edited for engagement with students and youth.  This is available in digital version only.

Jesus the Game Changer has also been put into book form. See the trailer at


Season 2

Jesus the Game Changer Season 2 follows host Karl Faase around the world telling some of the great stories of vision, faith and sacrifice.

The spread of Christianity across the centuries is a remarkable story. It has become a truly global faith which transcends cultures, social classes, language and ethnic groups. But what compelled ordinary people to face difficulty, danger and even death, to take the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth?

13 episodes include: Jesus of Nazareth, Paul & the Early Church, The Persecuted Church, Africa, Ireland, Europe, The Jesuits, China, The Protestant Reformation, Bible Translation, Japan & Korea, America, 20th Century Mission.