CHRISTMAS Ideas and inspiration
Hope Project Christmas aspires to make CHRIST the CENTREPIECE at Christmas in the public view by encouraging individuals to display NATIVITIES wherever they can.
Let’s reverse the removal of the ‘CHRIST’ from ‘CHRISTmas’ and bring back the rich Christian heritage our nation has, which gifted Christmas many of its most treasured values – like equality, tolerance, honesty and charity.
Together we keep the Christ in Christmas – just as many from other faiths would want, for their own traditions and celebrations.
Our invitation is that you be intentional about using nativity - based CHRISTmas themes in your areas of influence – as opposed to Santa, elves or jingle bells. This can be done in a number of simple ways:
CARDS and DECORATIONS – Give CHRISTmas nativity-themed Christmas cards and decorations. Available from various retailers and Christian bookstores.
NATIVITY WINDOW DECAL AND STANDS – Use nativity window decal and nativity decorations
SOCIAL MEDIA – Post nativity-themed imagery and videos
NATIVITY / LIGHT DISPLAYS – Create or purchase displays for your home and lawn.
ADVENT CALENDARS – look online or at a local Christian bookstore near you.
ENCOURAGE THE ‘BIG IDEA’ – POSTERS & FLYERS free to download off the website to promote a united effort to your church. There is also a PowerPoint and promotion video available.
MODEL & SHARE IDEAS – use the various ideas for individuals and businesses that will work in your context
COMMUNITY PROFILE – Build a nativity-based float for the town CHRISTmas parade. Go to the website for a great story from Levin with ideas from their united churches float.
COMMUNITY COLLABORATION – Use creativity and courage for united CHRISTmas events to share the hope that we have:
Carol gatherings, concerts, theatricals, and church-to-church Hīkoi to remind your city or town of the Christ of CHRISTmas.BILLBOARD – Churches can rally together to sponsor a nativity billboard! Graphics downloadable on the website.
PLAYLISTS – Include carols with nativity-related lyrics on your playlists.
CHRISTMAS PRODUCTS – Sell nativity-based CHRISTmas items where this relates to your business.
DISPLAYS – Include nativity-based imagery and decorations in your displays and shop windows. FREE downloadable posters and decal designs on the website.
CELEBRATIONS – Consider organising social year-end CHRISTmas celebrations, referencing the nativity story, cultural values, and hope that the Christ of CHRISTmas has brought to the world, to our own nation, and in our personal lives.
SPONSOR – larger nativity or CHRISTmas based billboards, displays, Christmas parade floats and nativity scenes working in partnership will a local church.
For more ideas, examples of what others have done, and graphics go to their website.