Healing on the Streets (HOTS) team is celebrating a decision for Christ this week!


By Simon Dodge, team leader.

Healing on the Streets has just clocked up two full years of ministry in the Cashel Street Re:START Mall, having been out every fortnight, rain, hail or shine (mostly the latter, thankfully!) Our committed team also meets on the weekend in-between to pray, worship and encourage one another — a microcosm of the Body of Christ.

Last Saturday we prayed for nine people, including one woman with an incurable cancer, and three men visiting Christchurch from PNG. Best of all, one of the nine invited Jesus into her life. Brilliant!!! Someone we prayed for a year ago also stopped by to tell us what a difference the prayer had made for him.

So we thank God, and at the same time we are constantly asking God to bring more people for prayer — sometimes it can be pretty quiet. Please pray for us — for more opportunities, more healing, and more people coming to know Jesus as Saviour. God's calling to this ministry remains, and we look forward in faith to increasing fruit from our labour.