Great Church Gatherings Quiz

Church gatherings should be a place that Christians and explorers want to come to, enjoy, and will bring their friends to since the gathering adds something significant to their lives. Gatherings should be a place where people can belong, believe, and then choose to ‘behave’ in a Christian lifestyle.


 1.     Is the physical environment warm and inviting?

2.     Do people dress ‘tidy casual’ so new people feel comfortable?

3.     Do new people get warmly greeted with eye contact?

4.     Do new people get talked with and sat next to?

5.     Is the music easy for new people to engage with?

6.     Are your sermon topics suitable for not-yet-followers of Jesus as well as Christians?

7.     Are Bible stories told and not just referred to? (Don't assume people know the stories)

8.     Are your talks understandable for all (jargon free)?

9.     Are people given time to think (and talk) about what the talk means for them?

10.  Is the gospel shared at each gathering with an opportunity for people to respond? *

11.  Do regular attendees talk to the new people and introduce them to others rather than just talk to their friends? *

12.  Are new people invited to social gatherings?

13.  Are new people invited to join a group to explore Christianity?

14.  Are your regular attendees confident to share their faith story? (See the resources in the ‘Preparing to Share’ section of this website)

15.  Are your regular attendees confident to share God’s story? (See the resources in the ‘Preparing to Share’ section of this website)

Andy Stanley's book "Deep and Wide" is a great book to help think through how churches can cater for both explorers and mature Christians.   


*10: Keep the ‘opportunity to commit to following Christ’ fresh with wording that fits into the sermon topic or theme that day. Use a variety of approaches: such as a prayer where you guide them in what to say in their hearts; an opportunity to come to the front; or the suggestion to talk to someone (the person they came with, the speaker, or a leader).

See ‘Opportunities to Respond in Church’ in Resources – Intentional Churches.

*11: You could give your congregation the 4-minute challenge of talking to new people, or people they wouldn't normally talk to, for the first 4 minutes after the service finishes.)