Friday Night Outreach in Cathedral Square
A group of us from St Albans Baptist have a regular outreach in Cathedral Square on Fridays from 8pm. We would like other Christians from a variety of churches to join us so when a person is interested in going to church, they hopefully would have met someone on the Friday night who goes to a church near where they live and can feel more confident to step into church for the first time. There is a place for singers, musicians, intercessors, people wanting to learn evangelism and those already confident in sharing the Gospel.
We sing some worship songs and pray, and when people drift over to us or stop, we share God’s love, offer prayer for whatever needs they have, and share the Gospel with gentleness and respect. Each night is always a little bit different as we never know who God is going to draw into the Square who we can talk to. We find that many people today do not know about Jesus’ love for them or the amazingly good news of the Gospel. Many are hurting and fearful, so it is such an important thing that Christians now step up and out of church buildings to reach out to the lost. As Jesus Christ told us, we are to be the light in this current darkness. Jesus always placed so much emphasis on unity in the Body of Christ – these evenings are a time where the Body can come together in unity under Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Our group has a great time of fellowship, usually sharing a hot coffee or tea at the end of the night. It is a privilege to partner with God in this time.
Christchurch needs Jesus so much just now – let your light shine!
Rowan Durward, 2021