Evangelism in a Post-modern Era

Spanky Moore was the guest lecturer at Laidlaw Evangelism 2015 Course for the topic of 'Evangelism in a Post-Christendom Society'. 

As the Post-modern Era replaces the Modern Era (1500-2000), the Church needs to rethink its evangelistic strategies as evangelising using 'Modern' methods isn't going to work anymore.  "Good ecclesiology is a commitment to reality no matter what the cost," Spanky reiterated.  

Truth and proof were esteemed in the Modern Era so strategies of providing rational objective reliable proofs were acceptable.  But what will suit people now?  Truth has become relative as globalisation and the internet have enabled exposure.  Scepticism towards religion has also increased since the 9-11 Twin Towers incident.  Providing products met the consumerist society but how should we evangelise now?

With the Post-modern shift has come many positives that the Church can leverage from: most consider themselves as spiritual; the desire for community; concern for the holistic person (shalom); personal experience is part of knowledge (faith and Holy Spirit acceptable); realisation of the corruptive potential of power; concern for ‘the other’ and minorities; concern for ecology; the ability to hold things with tension (trinity mystery no big deal); story/narrative is preferred over proposition (go the Gospels!). 

This list sounds like the Kingdom of God! It’s time to invite people to become part of and join the cause of the Kingdom of God. While Post-moderns don’t like making commitments that close down their options, inviting them to participate in this great cause provides lots of options.  But how can we invite them?  Real relationships are vital so that life can be journeyed together, the authenticity of Christianity can be seen, and their real questions answered. 

Spanky’s challenging questions: Are all your friendship slots too full to have a real relationship to help someone journey to faith? Are you so busy doing church stuff that you can’t fit in a friendship with a not-yet-Christian? 

Spanky also highlighted from Luke 10:1-12 the importance of going to people (not them to us) and letting the relationship be two-way, not just us providing something.  He also talked of finding people of peace to share with; people who are open to us being Christian and being friends.

Let’s take advantage of the opportunities that this new Post-modern era has brought.  Let’s encourage all Christians to be ambassadors and have relationships through which they share the gospel in ways that people relate to these days.

Article written by Julie Young