Discovery Bible Study (DBS) option of a
Discipleship Making Movement (DMM) in NZ
A message from Brian Spicer, pastor at The Chapel (Te Atatu Peninsula, NZ)
I was introduced to Discovery Bible Study (DBS) about 8 years ago while pastoring in Melbourne and since then have found it beneficial in my own life as well as in my discipleship of others. DBS is simple, easily reproducible, and effective; allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through the written word and encouraging obedience to the truths discovered.
DBS is the engine for something much more exciting and challenging, a Disciple Making Movement, a growing network of disciples who in turn make disciples who make disciples. Within DMM and DBS is the understanding that, in response to the Great Commission command to “go and make disciples…”, we first disciple people to faith and then in faith… a single journey always moving people towards Jesus. DMMs are fueled, and powered, by prayer.
If you would like to know more about DMM and/or DBS please feel free to contact myself or Grant McAllister. (Grant and Vicky have recently returned from 25 years in China where they have been involved in DMMs using DBS.) We are helping DBS and DMM in NZ and would love to talk with you. or
Some DBS stories
Using a scripture set called, “Creation to Christ” in a discipleship context, I have seen a young couple who had not been to church in 10 years work through the potential train wreck of an affair and they are still together more than 3 years later.
Another young man, with some church background, had been wrestling with major anger issues which were threatening his marriage. These were addressed and overcome, through prayer, in the context of a one-on-one, and later a small group, DBS and I was privileged to baptise him late last year.
A young woman, on home detention, began attending the church for a while before drifting away. One of the older women at the church reconnected with her and invited her into a DBS. The journey has not been smooth as the young woman wrestles with drug use etc. But the journey continues.