Deep 2019

We want to invite you and your church whānau to join with believers from across the city at our next DEEP Worship & Karakia gathering. We will be worshiping and praying for 26 hours across the 18th and 19th of October 2019 at Southwest Baptist Church (Spreydon).

If you haven't been to an extended DEEP before, these gatherings are a time for coming together under one roof to worship on a body-wide level and also engage God individually in this prayer-room style atmosphere. This DEEP will be 26 consecutive hours of worship and prayer, hosted in one and two hour slots by different worship groups from around the city. The setup is "family room" style in that the bands are on the floor in the middle of the room rather than on stage and there are scattered prayer stations, couches, cushions, and chairs around the space to encourage reflective and diverse participation. 

History: DEEP began as a one-off back in 2015 with the few contacts we had, but the desire for it to continue was expressed by others and God highlighted to us the value of the gathering. So we've continued to host these short and long gatherings over the years as God inspires, for whomever is interested to participate and attend. We try to rotate which church hosts DEEP. 

This is our 5th year facilitating DEEP and we are encouraged by the continued interest over the years to meet in this format. Something beautiful happens when we meet together. This will be our first extended DEEP since the March shooting and we think it's such a valuable and healing opportunity for people to gather as one whanau and worship our Father! 

It's our hope that you and your community will find encouragement and refreshment in this space of extended attention to God. The heart of these gatherings has always been about going "deep" with our Father and allowing Him to restore our heavy hearts and reinvigorate our exhausted souls as we seek His face. To this end there will be opportunities for low key personal ministry on the Friday night, as well as a light-hearted collaborative potluck meal on Saturday evening (6pm-6:45pm).