Decorate pallet Christmas trees with your neighbours
My wife and I moved into a new subdivision. Our heart is to reach out to our new neighbours. One idea was to make a pallet Christmas tree for each house to decorate. Ros was able to get a 2.5m Christmas tree and I made 8 pallet Christmas trees. Each tree took about 20 minutes to make, free pallets, a squirt of glue or two and a handful of screws. There are lots of plans on or Pinterest. One Saturday we invited the neighbours to join us for a potluck lunch and decorate the trees. Half the houses turned up at some point, and later we delivered another tree to a family who had missed the day but wanted to join in.
Christmas day we found a small present and card from one of our new neighbours, thanking us for all we have done for the street. I feel we have not done much, only been a good neighbour, chatting whenever we see them, and waving as we drive past. But already, after only a few months, we are beginning to see the results. I wonder what the relationships will be like by Christmas 2023. By then I pray that we have earnt the right, after hearing their stories, to tell ours and our journey with Jesus.
Kevin March
‘to see Christ lifted above the city that bears His name’
ChristCan, a ministry of Salt and Light Ministries