75 decisions at Middleton Grange!
By Hamish MacClure, teacher at Middleton Grange, 2015
Last week I ran an assembly for the Year 8 cohort at Middleton Grange School. The Holy Spirit has laid a need for evangelism on my heart. We are called to witness to the ends of the world. For the last 6 weeks the idea of an altar call has been bubbling away. I was given the opportunity to run an assembly on Friday and invited Rachel MacClure (worship singer at Westside) and Ben MacGregor (Children's pastor at Grace Vineyard) to worship and speak. There was a huge response from the Year 8's with approximately 75 out of the 85 present, standing and making a statement of confession to follow Jesus Christ.
Note: Hamish has since passed away so this story is in loving memory of him.