Only Hope Mataura
On the Friday night and Saturday morning Wes and Janet Chambers and I (Daz Chettle) did some evangelism training and training in the prophetic. Then 60 volunteers went into Mataura where we door knocked 711 houses. We invited the community to a Family Fun Day kicking off at 1pm. We had bouncy castles, live music, free food, BBQs, free drinks, prizes, and give aways. And then the community came into the local hall on Saturday night where I preached the ABC of the gospel, and it was a super powerful night. There was a lot of broken people responding to the gospel, which is awesome. There were about 8 different denominations involved in the weekend. We saw about 30 people saved over the 10-day trip.
While we were down there we also secured the dates for the Invercargill Harvest Now (Evangelism Training) which will be from 29 October – 2 Nov 2024. Six local churches are on board. Andrew Cannon will be coming from the UK and Nathan Fawcett will be leading the worship.