Healing testimonies from Easter Camp 2019

Easter Camp 2019... AMAZING! In the Big Top many young people committed their lives to Jesus and in the Prayer Tent many received physical healings and were encouraged through individual words of prophesy. A wonderful time! Check out some healing testimonies at https://www.prayercollective.nz/eastercampprayertent 

We (Prayer Collective Christchurch) partner with Canterbury Youth Services who host the annual Southern Easter Camp for the South Island of New Zealand. This Easter Camp has been running for 28+ years and draws an average of 3,000 teenagers each year. 

​We run the Prayer Tent next to the big top which serves as a place for the youth to come during free hours to get personal prayer from our team or spend quiet alone time reflecting on what's been happening over the 5 days at camp. We provide creative prompts, worship, prophetic prayer encouragement, prayers for physical healing and provide prayer guides to help guide one's time in the tent. 

We host workshops some years, gathering voices to share on various topics around hearing God, identity and prayer.  

We've been blown away by God's heart for people as He heals, strengthens and empowers! This can be a really encouraging time for the youth and leaders to encounter the living God. 

We gather local intercessors from around the city on site during the big top sessions to be praying for the youth & the speakers. 

​Running since 2017, the Prayer Tent pulls together people from around Christchurch to serve in various capacities. We are grateful for our amazing volunteers.