Te Mapua's Alabaster Camp

We are thanking God for another wonderful camp, where we were able to share the life changing love and hope of the Gospel with precious 11-14yr old girls. Our theme was around the inner beauty God sees in each of them, and how He can help them have a beautiful heart as they accept His grace and forgiveness, and allow Him to shape their lives. The salvation prayers were beautiful to listen to, and we know there was much rejoicing in heaven! Te Mapua means 'The precious' (children and youth), and we know each of our young ones are so precious in God's sight. Bringing the love of God to those facing hopelessness and heartache is such a joy, as we see God begin to touch and soften their hearts. You can be involved by giving or serving (http://www.temapua.com )

Amy Marsden, Te Mapua Child/Youth Trust Director

Caring for the precious Children of Christchurch

March 2020