NZ and Beyond Conference 2018

Once again Christchurch was blessed with the NZ and Beyond Evangelism Conference. 

Prayer is vital.  Like Aaron and Hur holding up Moses hands so the Amalekites could be defeated, so churches need to commit to praying so new territory can be taken.  The greatest awakening we need is in prayer. Prayer is the game breaker.  2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Prayer idea:  add a “so that” to help our prayers get Kingdom of God focused.  Let God finish the sentence with why he wants you to ask for the thing. E.g. “God you are a great provider. Please help my brother to find a job SO THAT he can provide for his family and …… be able to bless others with your love as he uses his skills.”


We want flourishing churches and thriving cities being transformed by the Kingdom of God. We need to be a ‘city on a hill’. Lots of Christians shining makes a strong light. Churches working together can make a larger difference than working independently. Don’t duplicate or compete. Co-labour with other churches, and partner with charities and organisations to help transform the city.  People are not going to notice big churches, but they will notice Christians helping across the city.  Harvest can be defined as a return on an investment; we need to invest to get a harvest. We need to be soil changers.  There is nothing wrong with the seed or the sower, so we need to help change the soil so it can be receptive. Beware: Satan will try to keep the churches focus on Sunday gatherings. Jesus’ last command needs to be our first priority.  Don’t confine God’s power to the four walls of the church.  God is with us 24/7 so release him in the community so there can be transformation. Count the conversations, not just conversions, as conversations need to come before conversions can happen.

What kind of church do we need to be if we are going to reach the world around us?  We need to be family, loving one another. People can get a good show anywhere, but only the church can provide family.  If they see us love one another, they will know that they can be loved. We need to be friendly. Friendship overcomes isolation. Peter’s sermon at Pentecost wasn’t amazing but God used it.  We just need to go out to the community and try. We need to be authentic.  We need to sacrifice for what makes us truly satisfied - seeing the Kingdom of God grow in our community.  We need to help people with their problems so they can stop being consumed with them and can start to think about spirituality (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs).

We need to help Christians discover what they are saved for, not just what they are saved from. Every Christian needs to see what they do as their calling, and realise that they take the Kingdom of God’s peace and love into every environment they walk into. E.g. business people are in the community to help bring the Kingdom of God to the community, not just tithe to the church.  Every Christian needs to be an agent of transformation where they are during the week. Christians need to have a fresh intimacy with God so they share what God is doing in their lives. Most Christians don’t need more theology or inspiration to share God’s good news. We need to know HOW so help them know how.