NZ and Beyond Conference 2017

Wow! Yet again this was an inspiring and encouraging conference that Church Unlimited came and blessed Christchurch with.

Here are a few points that stood out:

Jesus is the sower and the world is HIS field, so the world is God's territory while the devil is a trespasser.  Therefore, when we share the gospel, we are not 'forcing ourselves on the world' but we are taking back what is already God's.  The parable of the weeds also highlights that God sows Christians where he wants them to be, and they should keep in mind that it is likely that the devil has planted someone near them. Our perspective can change with this insight.

Ask God for his presence not just his power, blessing, resources, and absence of problems. It is God's presence that distinguishes his people. (Ex 33:2, 15-16). Like an arm would break if it was twisted against the owners will, so too we must co-operate with God and be willing to do what he wants.

We must be ready, willing, and obedient like Ananias going to the house where Paul was staying and Philip engaging with the eunuch on the chariot. Be ready and let God use your eyes like Peter seeing the lame man outside the temple. The more we listen and respond, the more sensitive we become to hearing God's voice.  May our words be "Here I am, send me." God uses Christians to answer people's prayers.

Be aware that real joy comes as our faith builds over time. The honeymoon joy can peter out, but stick in there and real joy will grow.

Be kind, be willing, be Jesus. Be ready to give 30 seconds of your time. It can make a big difference. "If Jesus is like you, I want to know Him."

Build character so you don't crash.
Give opportunity for people to come to Christ in the service.
Jesus' last command is our first responsibility: prioritise prayer and then go.
Let's be of one accord. Satan's strategy is to sow distrust and disunity, to divide and conquer. Divided we fail but unified we will conquer.