First Dessert and Encouragement night for Christchurch Kids’ Leaders

On Thursday 28th of January 2016, 50 leaders of programmes for primary and intermediate aged kids gathered from across the city.  It was amazing and so encouraging to be in a room full of people with so much passion and enthusiasm for reaching the kids of our city!  There was more than 500 years’ worth of experience in the room!  The discussion topics of the night included “How does your group share the gospel with kids?” and “How do you help the kids' families on their faith journeys?”  The participants requested that the group meet twice a year so watch out for another one mid-year.

Here are some of the comments about the evening:

Overwhelming number of people and breadth of experience.
Helpful, informative, inspirational.
I appreciated meeting other leaders with similar challenges.
Great networking opportunity.
This is the beginning of connections that can help extend God’s kingdom.
It was a challenging and enjoyable evening.
I was energised and inspired by stories and seeing the passion others have.
Plenty of ideas to take back. 
Thrilling to hear others’ experiences and see people full of enthusiasm.
I appreciated learning what other ministries are doing and how they are doing it.
It was awesome and encouraging to meet so many people who are working towards the same goals.
It is encouraging to know we are not alone in our work in this city – there are others who are passionate about reaching the kids in our city with the truth of the gospel.