Notes from NZ and Beyond conference 2012
Written by Julie Young
The bracketed info denotes who said it.
DP = David Peters, RS = Rick Shelton, JH = Joel Holm, TB = Tak Bhana
Get ready – a move of God is coming. It won’t last long – history shows it only lasts a few years so make the most of it / capture it.
God wants us to position ourselves for what He is going to do. (DP) Including prayer, faith.
Revival – so can impact what already doing. (RS)
Be wise servants – keep the normal programmes going so it can house it (e.g. don’t cancel all women’s events, community outreaches, small groups). His wine comes to fill the wineskins we have – need ministries in place. (RS)
Unity between churches
The main business of the church today is restoration. (RS)
Prayer is a key to mission and reaching people for Christ. (TB)
Ask and I’ll give you the nations. Acts 13:2
If my people will humble themselves and pray…I will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14.
What is birthed in prayer needs to be sustained in prayer and forwarded in prayer. (TB)
Need to welcome the Holy Spirit into our city. Ask Him to release His presence. (DP)
God gave the authority to man and man gave it to the devil. Take it back! (RS)
The power of the cross comes across in songs about the cross. Sing them. (RS)
Every sermon should include how the power of the cross enables that topic. (RS)
Give your congregation confidence, affirm what they do. (Not infer they are doing nothing). (panel)
Demystify the spiritual so Christians can carry God’s presence wherever they go.(panel) There’s no use being a spirit filled believer if not using the gifts. Turn the power into some good. (DP)
Kingdom of life mentality - every area of life is ministry - an opportunity. (panel)
Make it really simple for the congregation – one life at a time.
There’s nothing wrong with the seed (Jesus). It’s the soil that needs to change. (JH)
Good soil without the seed is meaningless. (JH). Need to tell gospel, not just do social work.
Love the world into a position of awakening (it usually feels told off/condemned by the church) (DP)
See people in faith – what they can become. (JH)
People are deemed valuable – that’s how they can be ‘redeemed’. (RS)
Love unconditionally – try to recognise where people are hurting. (JH)
Help them in their troubles. (JH)
Create a safe environment where people can talk. (JH)
Pay attention to them (really listen), not just try and get their attention. (JH)
Challenge people to live a life beyond themselves (not just provide for self) and live with God in partnership. (JH)
Live authentically.
Do good works.
Release Holy Spirit to the lost world – pray for people, give them words from God (DP)
Have faith that people can and will change. (JH)
The gospel is the gospel all by itself. (RS)
God’s original intention – Satan’s deception – Jesus’ substitution – man’s restoration. (RS)
The gospel doesn’t need to be explained, just proclaimed. (RS)
The message of the cross IS the power of God (not contains, not shows, it IS) (RS)
The cross is of the Spirit, just like the gifts are of the Spirit. (RS)
Allow / invite wonders and miracles
Don’t pitch the message too low (RS)
Acts 20:21 necessity of turning from sin and to God and faith in Jesus Christ. (DP)
Christians are called to battle so it won’t be a suffering free life, but its better with God than without. (TB)
Nothing happens gradually – it’s like a faucet turned on. (RS)
Focus on community transformation, not just getting people into church. (DP) E.g. crime rate, pregnancy rate.